
Welcome to HoldenCasey! This site will cover topics such as current events, politics, and finance. Full site coming in 2018!

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Welcome to HoldenCasey! Here you can find my blogs on politics and finance, along with some other things.

man-person-suit-united-states-of-americaIn the Politics section, you can find things such as polling, my predictions, opinion posts, and political news. This section will be updated daily with the most recent news and polls. All the math for my predictions will be available in the Projects section.

Man showing business graph on wood tableThe Projects tab shows all of my current projects, along with the math and basis for many of my predictions and financial advice. Projects can range from mapping a voting trend to creating an algorithm for finding undervalued stocks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYou can find all of my financial posts in the Finance section. This section will have a daily analysis of the market technicals, called Tracking, along with my personal investment advice and any relevant financial news. Please note that my advice is purely personal and does not guarantee positive returns.